Narcissus Flowers Daffodils and Jonquils

February 28, 2023 0 Comments

We all love the early flowers of the spring months. But some of them need to be launched in the fall to produce these beautiful displays. Narcissus flowers are at the top of this list. Daffodils, daffodils and daffodils all belong to the same genus of plants and are easy-care plants. These produce bright and …

Balloon Flower Growing The Chinese Bellflower

February 27, 2023 0 Comments

The balloon flower is a popular plant. Lush green foliage produces huge five-pointed flowers that open up like stars of puffy, balloon-like buds, and they make the perfect border plant or container garden. But how can you grow these Asian plants to their full potential? We are going to examine the cultivation of balloon flowers …

Growing Carrots Grow A Rainbow Of Vegetables

February 23, 2023 0 Comments

If you are looking for an easy-to-grow fall crop, growing carrots can be the right choice. These root vegetables can be sown in early September for a November harvest in most milder climates, and another harvest has begun in early spring! Long considered the favorite food of rabbits for their representation in cartoons, carrots are …

Coral Cactus Growing Frankenstein Of Succulent

February 20, 2023 0 Comments

If Frankenstein’s monster were to take up gardening, he might find coral cactus to be his favorite plant. This melding of two succulent varieties into one unusual cactus-like plant is striking to see. Depending on the top crest, it may have a fan of white, red, green, yellow, or purple ruffled succulent growth on top …

Lithops Grow And Care For Living Stone Plants

February 18, 2023 0 Comments

Have you ever snooped around in the juicy section of a garden center and discovered a pot with nothing more than a few flat split rocks in it? If so, you may have discovered the lithops plant, an unusual African genus of succulents. Sometimes called Split Rock or Pebble plants, lithops living stone plants are …

Grow a Loquat Tree For Big Harvests

February 17, 2023 0 Comments

Grown as a loquat tree or shrub, this fruit plant is interesting. A relative of the Rose, it makes small fruits that taste like a mixture of peaches, citrus and mango, and some describe it as a Honey Nut. But most people have never tasted it and know practically nothing about this unusual fruit or …

Grow Lettuce Microgreens Fast and Easy

February 15, 2023 0 Comments

Virtually any plant can be grown in the form of microgreens, which is just the even younger cousin of baby greens. Usually harvested about 8 to 20 days after planting, microgreens are the fastest crop you’ll grow in your garden. Today we are going to grow lettuce or salad mix microgreens, which I consider to …

Bachelor Buttons Cornflowers And sapphire Caps

February 13, 2023 0 Comments

One of my favorite flowers, the buds are sometimes called blueberries. And this is where the color “cornflower sapphire” got its name! Also called basket flowers, sapphire caps, sapphire bonnet and many other names, this popular plant is a hardy annual. It blooms from spring to autumn in a range of colors. Leave some of …

Persian Shield Caring For Strobilanthes Dyeriana

January 30, 2023 0 Comments

Do you like purple plants? Do you like the idea of a low-maintenance plant that rarely has problems with pests or ailments and will brighten up a room? In this matter, think of the Persian shield plant! This tropical plant, native to Southeast Asia, makes a fantastic plant indoors and outdoors. The leaves are almost …

Marigolds Pleasing Prolific Flowers Repel Pests

January 29, 2023 0 Comments

The humble marigold is often the favorite flower of vegetable growers, and there are good reasons: marigolds help ward off many different pests. They bloom almost continuously from after spring to autumn, as long as you remove the exhausted flowers. And they’re beautiful. But how do marigolds create this pest control environment? Are there any …

Jacob Ladder Plant Care Growing Polemonium

January 26, 2023 0 Comments

At one time, the Jacob’s ladder plant was called the “charity plant”, although it should not be confused with the Mahonia species which also has this common name. It is also called “Greek valerian”, although it is not valerian. Still confused? You shouldn’t be. Jacob’s Ladder got its general name from the ladder-like or pinnate …

Ground Cover Plants As Lawn Replacements

January 23, 2023 0 Comments

Are you looking for ground cover plants? Because oh, there are a huge number of these plants available. Their size varies from only an inch or two to almost a foot long. Some regularly crawl on the floor, where others grow up, roll over, and then get out. Landscape design professionals love them because they …

Grapes Get Epic Amounts Of Fruit From Vine

January 17, 2023 0 Comments

Whether you want to make plonk, raisins, eat fresh grapes or drink grape juice, you start by growing grapes. Of course, you can buy table grapes on the market, but if you have enough space, why not just have plants that can provide sweet fruits for decades? Many grape varieties produce vines with an average …

Growing Beets A Bounty Of Root Crops For Fall

January 13, 2023 0 Comments

Beets have had a bad reputation over the years as weird red stuff on salad bars. But this is not mandatory, and growing beets at home is easy and fun! Available in a variety of colors, including a natural striped version, beets are full of vitamins. Filled with healthy potassium, manganese, folic acid and vitamin …

Java Fern Underwater Plants For Water Gardens

January 11, 2023 0 Comments

Those of us who love aquariums to enjoy the fish swimming have an unusual outlet for gardening right in front of us. Growing Java Fern in our aquariums is a great way to bring in greenery. Plus, your underwater animals will love it! Dark green in color, these aquarium plants are a perfect backsplant for …