Bachelor Buttons Cornflowers And sapphire Caps

February 13, 2023 0 Comments

One of my favorite flowers, the buds are sometimes called blueberries. And this is where the color “cornflower sapphire” got its name!

Also called basket flowers, sapphire caps, sapphire bonnet and many other names, this popular plant is a hardy annual. It blooms from spring to autumn in a range of colors. Leave some of the faded flowers on the plant, and she will be happy to reseed her bed and grow again next year.

But what are the buttons, and are they all sapphire? Do they prefer sunlight or shade? How much water do they need? We’ll cover all that and more today as we explore the world of the bachelor button!

Bachelor button has a long list of names that include unusual names such as “sapphire blob”, “cornbottle”, “gogglebuster” and “hurtsickle”. One name, the cornflower, comes from the tendency of the plant to grow as a weed in the cornfields of its native Europe.

Botanically, it is called Centaurea cyanus, and commonly known as bachelor bud or bachelor buds. This name refers to ancient folklore. Young men in love wore them on their lapels. If the flower quickly faded, it was believed that the object of their desire did not like them.

Although it is declining in its natural habitat, the growth of this plant has spread throughout the world through gardens. Many varieties are cornflower sapphire in color. However, the buds can also be pink, purple and white.

Slender gray-green or silvery-green foliage with long lanceolate leaves forms the base on which bright flowers are formed. It can reach up to three feet in height and can extend from 1 to 2 feet wide. The grayish or silvery tint is actually caused by fine white hairs on the leaves.

Their edible flowers can be used in salads as an extra touch of color. The petals are often dried and added to loose tea blends for a touch of color. In addition, flowers are a source of pigment or historical dye for painting or dyeing fabrics.

Take care of bachelor’s pimples

Of all the flowers you can grow, bachelor buds are one of the easiest to grow year after year. You can fine-tune the care to get perfect conditions, but they will grow well even in bad places!

Light and Temperature

Buds prefer full sun, but can tolerate partial shade. They need a lot of light to produce their flowers. Be sure to plant them in a place where they get enough daylight!

In terms of temperature, these plants are tough. Young seedlings can tolerate light frosts and often germinate in after winter and early spring. The weakest plants die. Harder plants continue to survive and bloom.

These plants are heat-tolerant, but in the most extreme heat conditions they may require special attention to stay healthy.

Blueberries can live in humid environments, but you need to provide sufficient air flow to reduce the peril of fungal ailments.

Moisture on the leaves can promote the formation of powdery mildew. Excessive watering in the root zone can provoke root rot. Do what you can to avoid these circumstances!


In its natural environment, bachelor buds grow in loamy, well-drained soil. They are also very tolerant of other types of soil. If possible, avoid extremely moist soils as this can endanger the health of the plant!

Also, cornflower can be grown in neutral soils with a little alkalinity. A pH range of 6.6 to 7.8 is beneficial for these plants, although an optimal range is preferable around 6.9 to 7.4. This provides the little alkalinity they like without going too far.


Most types of soil provide enough nutrition for your young buds. If you want to give them a boost, work in compost or a balanced slow-release fertilizer before planting seeds.

Spread compost around the base of your plants every month or every other month. This should provide a lot of nutrition and ensure that you will have a lot of flowers throughout the year.

The seed is the easiest way to propagate these plants, and the way most people choose. You can sow seeds directly into the ground or start them in containers.

Once your soil is prepared, spray it to moisten the surface, then tuck the seeds just below the surface of the soil. They will germinate in 7-14 days. Once germinated, you will need to thin them out into a plant every 8 to 12 inches or so. I recommend 12″ for extra growing space.

Your plants will fill the space as soon as they really start growing leaves and stems, and over time they will bloom. These flowers can produce free pollinating seeds for next year if you wish!

To harvest the seeds of your bachelor buds, wait until the flowers naturally wither on the plant and dry completely. Cut the flower from its STEM, then break it to reveal the seeds hiding in it. The seeds are elongated in shape with a tuft of brown hairs at the end.


Growing the bachelor bud flower in pots is also optional and they do not need to be repotted. As long as you start with a pot about a foot wide, a plant will happily grow in the available space until it dies in the fall.

Prepare your soil in advance, dig a hole that fits the plant and most of the earthen ball, then carefully loosen. Make sure that the roots are not too intertwined, and then place the soil and everything in its new location. Carefully fill with fresh soil.

If you choose to grow them without support, too much wind can cause them to bend or bend over. Cut off any growth that gets in the way of paths or other plants if desired. Aesthetics here defines the need for pruning.


As I said above, your plants will probably need support. Because these can grow up to 3 feet long, they can become a weed tangle of curved stems if you don’t offer help!

One of the easiest ways to support blueberries is to place four small wooden poles at the corners of your bed. Stretch a piece of wire mesh or nylon net between these posts and use staples to anchor it in place.

As your seedlings grow, they will stretch through the wire or trellis. This provides low-level support against windy or rainy conditions. It also keeps small animals like rabbits away from the base of your plants.

License Button problems

Bachelor buds have very few problems with pests or ailments. Read on to learn how to defeat each of those who appear!

The biggest problem you are likely to experience is the heaviest plants. This is quite common in bachelor buds and is caused by excess moisture on the flowers.

The use of support for your plants is the only real way to solve this problem. The stems are so thin that it’s easy to see how they can tip under the weight!

Another problem that may appear is the yellowing of the foliage. Most often, this problem is caused by a water problem. Excessive watering and insufficient watering can be to blame.

Very few ailments will damage your young buds. Here are two that may appear if you are not careful!

Getting rid of powdery mildew can be a slow process. Neem oil works well, but can take several uses. Weekly spraying reduces the likelihood of mold or pests.

Spread by wind spores, rust can also appear. This fungal ailment causes yellow or white spots on the tops of the leaves. Over time, spores appear on the underside of the leaves, and the growth of the plant may be hindered.

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