Persian Shield Caring For Strobilanthes Dyeriana

January 30, 2023 0 Comments

Do you like purple plants? Do you like the idea of a low-maintenance plant that rarely has problems with pests or ailments and will brighten up a room? In this matter, think of the Persian shield plant!

This tropical plant, native to Southeast Asia, makes a fantastic plant indoors and outdoors. The leaves are almost iridescent or metallic purple when they are in color, bordered with a deep dark green, and it can really liven up a room!

Strobilanthes dyerianus, the Persian shield plant, is sometimes known as the royal purple plant. Unlike many other plants, there are no cultivar variations with additional names, as it is the same base plant. Originally from Myanmar (formerly known as Burma), the Persian shield comes from Southeast Asia.

This lush tropical has lance-shaped dark green leaves that flush up to a brilliant purple. A silvery and iridescent sheen can sometimes cover the violet color, giving the violet a metallic or iridescent appearance. Each of the leaves of the Persian Shield can reach 7 inches in length and reach up to 3 inches wide.

The Persian shield often reaches three to four feet long and two to three feet wide. They are mainly grown as potted plants for these bright purple leaves, but produce small purple or white flowers during the winter months in zones 10-11 or when wintering indoors.

The flower is sapphire-purple in color, small and funnel-shaped. They are often lost against the beautiful foliage, and many growers pinch the flower stems when they appear.

While people often grow Persian shield as an annual, it can be grown as a perennial if you have the right conditions. Rainforest plants like this purple and green plant prefer a humid environment and warm temperatures, and rarely tolerate cold well.

Since the color of the plant can also fade with age, most grow this plant as an annual. Alternatively, you can reduce it sharply to encourage new growth and color.

Persian Shield Care

Being a tropical plant, the Persian shield can sometimes be a little difficult, so it is essential to know the best conditions for growing them. Here is a short list of what to do when growing Persian shield.

The Persian shield can withstand full sun in partial shade, but if you are in complete doubt, choose to grow the Persian shield in slightly darker conditions. Since these often grow under the cover of trees, dappled sunlight is fine.

People living in hot desert environments where the sun is blinding should also plan to opt for partial shade conditions when growing this outdoors. At the very least, it is wise to make sure that the plant has shade in the afternoon during the hottest part of the day.

If your Persian shield plant gets too much sun, it will not develop that bright purple, iridescent foliage and you will have to move it to a more shaded place.

Growing your Persian Shield as a houseplant? If so, you will need a grow light or a sunny window to make sure your plant catches enough rays. You’ll also want to rotate the plant regularly to make sure it doesn’t get leggy when it reaches the light.

You can grow Persian shield outdoors in zones 8 to 11, but do better in zones 10 to 11 because it looks more like the natural habitat of the plant. Wintering is allowed only in zones 10-11 or in warm years in zone 9. Those who live in the colder climates of Zone 8 should plan to have it indoors during the cold months.

The temperatures of the Persian shield plant must remain above 60 degrees to maintain this brilliant color. Although light frosts cause the plant to die, it can recover in the spring if it has never experienced severe frosts or frost.

Water and humidity

Your royal purple plant will like to have a constant and even humidity in its soil. Water when the top few centimeters of the soil are dry, which is often twice a week indoors (and maybe more often outdoors).

Indoor growers should check their soil moisture regularly, especially during the winter months, when we use all our heaters.

The Persian shield also likes to grow outdoors, but in doing so, make sure that the soil also remains constantly moist and add mulch to prevent soil moisture from evaporating.

This is a plant with high humidity -it loves moist air! To increase this, place your pot on a tray with pebbles and water. The water evaporates and creates more humid conditions. Outdoor growers can put bowls of water next to their plants for a similar effect.


As a tropical plant, your Strobilanthes dyerianus is naturally accustomed to a rich soil filled with a lot of plant material that retains water. To simulate this, you need to choose a rich, well-drained soil. When growing a Persian shield, consider adding additional compost, vermiculite or sphagnum moss to keep it moist.

The pH value of the Persian shield should be between 5.5 and 7.5 for optimal growth.

They are very good potted plants, and most people grow them this way to add purple foliage accents to their garden or home. However, they can also serve as bedding plants, provided that you have developed a well-drained planting site for them.


For most of the year, fertilization should be carried out every two weeks with a half-diluted liquid plant food with a low NPK content. Strive to get a balanced NPK, because it needs the nitrogen to develop and the rest to develop a healthy root structure and provide its bright color.

Delay feeding your Persian Shield if you go in the fall to once a month and keep the manure in reserve throughout the winter. As soon as spring returns, return to a normal 2-week scheme.


The preparation of your cut is the very simplicity. Select woody stems that are 6″ long and remove all but the top leaves. Place the cut end in a glass of water or a moist rooting medium of your choice. If you use water, change the water every day. In the rooting medium, keep it evenly moist.

Place your Persian shield plants in a shady place where they still get some indirect light and make sure that the humidity around them is maintained (a plastic bag on top can help). They will develop roots in 2 to 5 weeks, depending on their strength and season.


Many people rarely repot these Persian purple plants when they bloom, because they simply do not need it. If your indoor plants look healthy and happy, then you are doing great!

However, if you want to encourage your Persian shield plants to grow, they need more root space. If they seem to get through the water very quickly, switching to a 1-2 inch larger pot will add more soil and help retain more moisture.

If you choose to repot your Persian Shield plants, prepare your soil in advance and make sure it is ready. You may want to carefully open the roots of each plant if they seem to be a little potted, and then replant them to the same depth as they were planted previously.

Growing Problems

Your plant will wither quickly if it is underwatered, and it is immediately clear. If this happens, increase your watering frequency to compensate, making sure that the soil remains moist and moist around the plant. It bounces back quickly, even if it is in poor condition.

As mentioned earlier, too much light can make the leaves of your Strobilanthes dyeriana turn pale. Offering some protection from direct sunlight can help alleviate this problem. Older leaves will also fade before molting, which is not abnormal.

Very few pests can become a problem for your purple and green plants. However, there are still two that may appear especially for those planted outdoors and it is best to clean them before they can wreak havoc.

Spider mites, especially red spider mites, are the most common indoor infestation you will experience. These small mites will pierce the flesh of the iridescent purple leaves and suck moisture out of them, causing spots and discoloration of the leaves.

Likewise, fungal mosquitoes are a potential problem for Strobilanthes dyerianus. These mosquitoes lay their eggs in moist soil and the larvae will strike your plants if they show signs of reduced resistance. The combination of dust mites and mosquitoes can be deadly!

Almost no ailments seem to have any effect on this plant! As plants accustomed to hot and humid conditions, they even seem to be immune to powdery mildew or other fungal leaf problems. Keep an eye on the damage caused by the pair of parasites instead.

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