Grow Lettuce Microgreens Fast and Easy

February 15, 2023 0 Comments

Virtually any plant can be grown in the form of microgreens, which is just the even younger cousin of baby greens. Usually harvested about 8 to 20 days after planting, microgreens are the fastest crop you’ll grow in your garden. Today we are going to grow lettuce or salad mix microgreens, which I consider to …

Grapes Get Epic Amounts Of Fruit From Vine

January 17, 2023 0 Comments

Whether you want to make plonk, raisins, eat fresh grapes or drink grape juice, you start by growing grapes. Of course, you can buy table grapes on the market, but if you have enough space, why not just have plants that can provide sweet fruits for decades? Many grape varieties produce vines with an average …