Ground Cover Plants As Lawn Replacements

January 23, 2023 0 Comments

Are you looking for ground cover plants? Because oh, there are a huge number of these plants available. Their size varies from only an inch or two to almost a foot long. Some regularly crawl on the floor, where others grow up, roll over, and then get out.

Landscape design professionals love them because they can be used to create color curves. They can grow around the base of shrubs or shrubs in the garden. And they look great even in the root zone of your graceful fruit trees.

So let’s go through some information on the best way to use ground cover plants in your garden. We are going to do some popular polls for each of several categories. All you have to do next is start with seeds and start planting!

Reasons To Replace Lawns With Ground Cover Plants

Lawns can sometimes be a real problem. Even in the best conditions, you will have problems with weeds emerging in the middle of the grass. Weeds such as dandelions and pesky wheatgrass pests will wreak havoc on the green turf. Other weeds are also creeping in.

But when you plant ground covers, you avoid a lot of this. Of course, you can still have weed problems, but once the ground cover takes over, most weeds will not survive. The dense mats of roots that deposit these hardy little plants stifle any other growth.

A ground cover can look lush in any weather and often requires much less water than a standard lawn. It also requires less frequent fertilization. And if the plants start to grow too high, many species can be pruned to size with a standard lawn mower.

In addition, your “lawn” will be a cacophony of bright flowers during certain parts of the year. From spring to summer and maybe even autumn, the colorful flowers will stain your garden.

Unlike grasses, your ground covers can be a real draw for pollinating insects. Butterflies are often attracted to your plants for nectar, just like bees. If you are trying to grow vegetables, it’s great to have these useful insects at hand!

Not all ground coverings have to be traditional. There are miniature succulents and higher plants. Round leaves, fern-like leaves or even pointed herbaceous plants are visually attractive.

Did I mention that they smell good? If you’ve always wanted your garden to smell like the herbs you grow, then a ground cover might be for you! And if you need a sprig of thyme for a recipe, you may have a whole garden of them waiting for you.

If you have children or pets who are likely to play in your yard, you can make a mixed garden. Leave them a piece of grass to play on and turn the rest into a sculpted landscape of blooming delights.

Other Ways To Use Floor Coverings

Do you want to give the effect of colored hills in the garden? Ground cover plants can also contribute to this. Start with a short, manicured lawn space. Sculpt a curved bed on it and adjust it by planting ground cover plants on it.

Since floor coverings range from only an inch or two high to 10″, you can make several “layers” of beds. Use flexible garden borders to separate the roots and prevent propagation. This can create the visual effect of a multi-level garden and save you a lot of headaches.

Ground covers can also be processed in flower beds to prevent the development of weeds. They are especially useful around established perennials or shrubs. Be careful not to mix them with plants that do not like to be crowded, as they can crawl around other plants.

Choosing The Right Ground Cover Plants

Before you can select a plant as a ground cover, there are some important things to know.

First you need to know your soil type. Do you have clay soil? Sandy soil? Loamy soil? Is it well ventilated or slightly compacted?

Different plants prefer different types of soil. While some can grow in even poor soil, many prefer richer, well-drained soils. Clay is difficult to grow on a good ground cover, as it can cook to a rock-hard consistency. You may need to adjust your soil for specific plant types.

The area in which you will grow up also has an impact. If your garden is completely in the shade, then sun-loving varieties will not work for you. And desert dwellers should not choose mountain plants or plants that prefer more humid conditions.

The speed of growth can be a factor. If you make several ground covers, one that grows faster than all the others can become a problem. It can stifle the growth of other plants or occupy all the available space.

Don’t forget to be aware of the temperature requirements! A plant that does well under the scorching sun may not do well if your temperature drops to zero in winter. Take into account both your high and low average temperatures and choose plants that can handle both.

Best Ground Cover Plants For Full Shade

There is a wide variety of plants that prefer to be sheltered from direct sunlight. Although some of them can tolerate a little sun, they often thrive in shady conditions. This makes them perfect for awkward spaces under or around foliage. They are also perfect next to buildings where the sun rarely reaches the plants.

Impatiens walleriana is a popular flowering groundcover. This short plant grows an average of 7-10″ tall and can be a very effective ground cover. They work especially well on curbs or in multi-level beds. Ideal in zones 10-11, although other species of impatiens can grow as fresh as zone 3.

Soleirolia soleirolii is called a lot of things-angel tears, baby tears, even “mind your own business”. This relative of the nettle is a shade-loving and moisture-loving plant. It produces a blanket of small white flowers on top of lush green leaves. Baby tears grow best in zones 9-11, but may pass awaya little during the winter of zone 9.

Best Ground Cover Plants For Partial Sun

Are you looking for a plant that can withstand both shade and sunlight? The following plants are perfect for you. It is best to avoid full desert sun conditions on these as they can be prone to sunburn. But if you have a space that has shade or sun intermittently, they will grow beautifully!

Small phlox plants that rarely exceed 6 centimeters in height? Count it! Creeping phlox blooms in pink, white, purple or sapphire colors, forming a small dense carpet of greenery. This plant is not good for walking, but for well-groomed lawn replacements it is great. Best in zones 3-9.

With flowers from half spring to almost half summer, Mazus reptans is a good choice. Quite drought-tolerant, it can grow in full sun, but blooms more in partial shade. The flowers range from sapphire to purple and it is a fast spreader. Ideal for zones 4-10.

Best Ground Cover Plants For Full Sun

Those who want to replace their lawn or with larger spaces will probably need plants in full sun. Plants like this will easily withstand direct sunlight. They may need extra water in the summer, so keep up to date with their needs!

Edible herbs as a ground cover? Definitely! Creeping thyme not only lends itself well to being a ground cover, but it also retains damage. Walking on it will cause small bursts of thyme smell to accompany each step. It produces small purple-pink flowers and has small delicate leaves. Perfect in zones 5-9.

Lamb’s ear

Silvery and thick, the leaves of the lamb’s ear create a soft gray background for the spring purple flowers. Not as small as some other ground covers, it usually reaches heights of up to 6-8″. This plant does best in zones 4-9.

Creeping Speed Shaft

Veronica filiformis grows well from full sun to dappled areas of shade. The tiny purple flowers emerge in spring, delicate and beautiful. This plant is one of the lowest ground cover plants we have reviewed, with an average height of 1-2″. Great in zones 6-9!

Best Drought-tolerant Ground Cover

But what if you are in a dry area where xeriscape is the norm? Desert dwellers often need abundant watering to keep the plants lush. There are also drought-tolerant options for these regions! Although a little more exotic to see, these plants can be a wonderful addition to any garden.

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